I would like to have a solution
for behaviour of the Project Panel, that confuses us when working with large projects.
What I do is copying names
from comps to other comps, in a separate folder, (has to do with different expressions
reffering to the comp name).
Each time I scroll the panel
to a position where I can see both source and target.
Then I copy the source name –
after copying the panel scrolls automatically to an unwanted position.
Then I duplicate a target
comp – after copying the panel scrolls automatically again.
I would like to keep the
scoll position as I set it, without any initiative of the software.
Maybe there are situations
where the automatic scrolling is convenient – in that case maybe a ‘scroll lock’-button
is a solution,
To offer both behaviour.s
(just like in audio apps, we
can prevent the tracks from crawling while playing).
A different approach would be
to offer the possibility to open two instances of the project window.